| NK-014
Setoyaki Benishino Maccha Bowl (Aichi Prefecture, Setoyaki)
Shino ware
is a type of Japanese pottery most identifiable for thick white glazes, red scorch
marks, and a texture of small holes. It is one of the Mino styles from the late
16th century and is based on older Setoyaki with changes to shape, decoration,
and finish. Forms are usually squat and cylindrical, thick but lightweight.
Pieces can be grey, red, or white, painted with iron oxide or decorated with glaze.
Firings of Shino tend to be of lower temperature for longer periods of time, followed
by a slow cooling process. These conditions do not allow the glaze to melt
fully, and the result is a thick glaze that often has a crawling pattern.
About handling maccha bowls | Setoyaki
(Seto city, Aichi prefecture) belongs to the main six kilns of Japanese pottery.
The six main places of Japanese ceramic ware are: Setoyaki,
Tokoname, Echizen, Shigarakiyaki, Tambayaki, Bizenyaki. |